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Domestic Foreign Currency-Denominated Bonds

Domestic Foreign Currency-Denominated Bonds (DFCBs) are debt financial instruments issued by a domestic entity (such as corporations or governments), within the local market but denominated in a foreign currency. These bonds are governed by the domestic market’s regulations and are typically aimed at local investors, providing exposure to international currencies like the U.S. dollar (USD)…

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Public Offer

A public offer is a process by which a company raises capital by offering its securities, such as stocks or bonds, to the general public. This type of offering allows anyone, including individual and institutional investors, to purchase the securities. Public offers are typically conducted through a stock exchange or over-the-counter markets and are subject…

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The Launch of MORE by Meristem

o Africa is blessed with a growing and massive youth population. This provides opportunities and threats. Opportunities to maximise our population for economic liberation. However, this cannot happen without intentional, planned and strategically executed programmes to facilitate productive youthful participation in economic activities. In light of this, we have committed heavily to supporting the dreams…

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Rights Issue

One mode of raising capital through Equity Financing is the Rights Issue. A Rights Issue involves giving existing shareholders the right, not an obligation, to acquire additional shares (new shares) in the company, at a discount (rights offer price) to its current market price. It is structured in the form of an invitation to the…

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Unlocking Investment Potential with Meristem Growth ETF and Meristem Value ETF

Investing in the stock market offers numerous opportunities, but selecting the right investment vehicle is essential to optimising returns while minimising risk. An ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is such an investment vehicle. It is a type of investment fund that is traded on stock exchanges, much like individual stocks. The Meristem Growth ETF and the Meristem…

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