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Succession Planning: Avoiding Pitfalls for a Smooth Transition

What is Succession Planning? Succession planning in the context of family wealth management involves the process of preparing for the seamless transfer of leadership, management, and ownership of a family business or wealth to the next generation or chosen successors. This strategic undertaking is key in ensuring the continuity and long-term sustainability of the family's…

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Nurturing Harmony: Avoiding Battles in the Family Business

Family businesses are unique entities that blend personal relationships with the challenges of running a successful enterprise. With ownership, management, and control predominantly held by family members, they play a crucial role in generating employment and driving economic growth. Studies reveal that family businesses contribute significantly to global GDP and job creation. Their resilience during…

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The Power of the Family Story in Wealth Preservation

Accomplished patriarchs and matriarchs carry the battle scars of their entrepreneurial journey, lessons unique to their family's story. From failed attempts to multiple rejections, doggedness in the face of hopelessness, bad decisions with tough consequences, and the ultimate joy of breaking through. The lessons are similar on the wealth journey, yet uniquely theirs, forming the…

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