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Domestic Foreign Currency-Denominated Bonds

Domestic Foreign Currency-Denominated Bonds (DFCBs) are debt financial instruments issued by a domestic entity (such as corporations or governments), within the local market but denominated in a foreign currency. These bonds are governed by the domestic market’s regulations and are typically aimed at local investors, providing exposure to international currencies like the U.S. dollar (USD)…

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Public Offer

A public offer is a process by which a company raises capital by offering its securities, such as stocks or bonds, to the general public. This type of offering allows anyone, including individual and institutional investors, to purchase the securities. Public offers are typically conducted through a stock exchange or over-the-counter markets and are subject…

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Rights Issue

One mode of raising capital through Equity Financing is the Rights Issue. A Rights Issue involves giving existing shareholders the right, not an obligation, to acquire additional shares (new shares) in the company, at a discount (rights offer price) to its current market price. It is structured in the form of an invitation to the…

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Bonus Issue

What is a Bonus Issue? Bonus issues are additional shares issued to existing shareholders of a company at no cost. The new shares issued are based on the current holding. A bonus issue is also known as a Scrip Issue or capitalisation issue. During cash shortages, companies may seek to issue bonus shares to uphold…

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Understanding Credit Ratings in Nigeria

Credit rating is an independent assessment of the creditworthiness of companies and governments, determining their solvency. It is based on the financial statements of these entities to assess if their business operations are sound. Rating agencies publish these ratings, generally categorizing them as either Investment Grade or Speculative Grade. Importance of Credit Ratings Regulatory Use:…

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